AIESEC on a global level is only a 4-layer organization . Looking at AIESEC from a strategic and direction setting angle, the structure looks like this: (If you turn it around you have the structure from an activity angle)
MC: Member Committee
AI: AIESEC International
GP: Global Plenary
AIESEC International is based in Rotterdam, The Netherlands . Their responsibility is to coordinating the work of AIESEC all over the world. AI consists of the President of AIESEC International (PAI), 6 Vice Presidents each responsible for one of the areas of exchange management, talent management, finance, external relations, organizational development & strategy and information management and 6 Directors taking care of country relations and organizational development . Moreover, there are External Relations Managers, Global Alumni Relations Manager, Corporate Relations Manager and Global Partnerships Managers (x 2), User and Education Support Manager, Chief Networks Manager and Information System Manager. All together they are 22 people from all over the world who work together for a year. The board of AI is elected for one year only.